18 Minutes of No Man’s Sky Gameplay Overlord, July 7, 2015July 7, 2015, News, 0 In case you haven’t heard about No Man’s Sky or simply don’t know enough about it IGN has released...
+ Darksiders 2 – Deathinitive Edition Overlord, June 30, 2015June 30, 2015, News, 0 What starts with War, ends in Death. Darksiders II was a seriously under-rated game of the not so distant...
+ Rocksteady trying to “fix” Arkham Knight Overlord, June 27, 2015June 27, 2015, News, 0 Arkham Knight director, and Rocksteady co-founder Sefton Hill tweeted that Rocksteady are “working like crazy” to help fix the...