Patch 6.1 arrives February 24th!

It brings:
New Heirloom System
A new system for managing and using your heirloom items across your entire account. Heirlooms are purchasable and upgradable with gold.
Tweetin’ While WoWin’
Easily take, crop, and Tweet in-game screenshots, let your friends know about your recent accomplishments, and more with this new feature.
Character Model Updates
Blood Elves models have been updated, along with made several model fixes and improvements to previously-updated races.
Anti-Aliasing & Lighting Improvements
There’s a slew of new graphical features coming with Patch 6.1.
New Colorblind Support
Introducing a new user interface system designed to assist players with visual issues related to colorblindness.
Unique Daily Garrison quests
A random NPC will appear in your Garrison each day and offer you a quest. The Quest rewards you with either pets, loot or crafting materials. You can visit other Garrisons to acquire more pets each day. So keep in touch with your friends.
Continuation of the main story
Attempt to take down Gul’dan in a new line up of quests resulting in the reward of a LEGENDARY follower with a very unique Trait.
A new ULTRA RARE mount
It’s purple and beautiful but mostly a shiny, re-skinned version of the Raven Lord mount. Look forward to hunting this mount down.

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